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Friday, July 31, 2009

hari yg boring!

huhuu..arie nie teacher bi x msok..we all sumer epi jewrk..coz dp tdo..hahax7..tpi pas uh time syariah..parah gler coz sleepy gegiler...maklumlah mlm tdo lewat..nsib ckgu x kesah..then waktu chemist nsib wat experiment..pesal concentration..1 klas gduh sesame sendiri nk plih yg pekat coz yg pekat cpt ciap..last2 group ak ngalah ameh yg low concentration..sejam x ciap2..hahaha..by the way,epi arr coz dpr wat experiment wlpn x penah menjadi...tp yg x bez nk kne wat report.,bkn stu tp 3..habes lahh..waktu fizik satu ag..bru chapter 3..presure..ngantok sesangt...tp still wokey arr..biter tervaru ak dpt skola aku ad swh positve h1n1..bdk form 2..tp nsb blok form 4 pling ujunh..so x kesah sangat..